Getting Rid of the North Carolina Raccoons in the Attic

Charlotte raccoons are nocturnal creatures and will often move at night. You will have to look at different signs in order to identify their presence. Usually, the rumbling sound that you will hear close to your dumpster at night can be a sign of a raccoon invasion. You can also notice some droppings and tracks in your yard if they decided to use your garden as their feeding ground. Though raccoons may have an adorable appearance, they are considered pests due to the damages that they can create and the diseases they carry.

How to Get Rid of the Charlotte Raccoons in the Attic
Raccoons are excellent climbers and will also love to stay in the dark areas of our house such as the attic. Our attic can incur severe damages from their presence. They have sharp claws that they can use to tear the insulation materials. They can also defecate and contaminate our property that will transfer serious illnesses.

Remove the Attractants
If you live in the community with a high presence of wildlife creatures, you will have to remove the attractants that will draw their attention. Your garbage can attract the interest of the raccoons since this is filled with food scraps. Start by taking a walk all over your property; pick any items that the raccoons can eat. Even papers can serve as a magnet to them. The raccoons will not stay in a property especially if there is nothing for them to eat.

Secure Your Garbage Can
If you usually discover that your garbage can has been turned over every time you wake up, this may mean that an animal is feasting on your leftovers. Having a waste management system will help you avoid the unwanted visit of the raccoon. Be sure that you will dispose the trash properly. There should be no garbage left hanging outside. It should also be covered with a secured lid. Store the garbage inside your garage or shed at night.

Sealing the Holes
If the raccoon is already inside your attic, you will have to determine the holes that they are using to access our property. By sealing all the possible holes that they can use, you can keep your attic free from infestation. The access hole of the raccoon will have a diameter of at least 3 inches. You should also look at your vents, nooks, and dormers and find out if something is broken. When sealing the holes, you can use a range of construction materials such as metal mesh. After sealing the hole, you still need to continue monitoring your attic for any signs of raccoon presence.

Finally, you can use trapping device to get rid of them. Placement of the trap and the bait that you will use will play a key role in the success of your traps. You need to familiarize yourself on the local policy since there are specific rules related to the use of trapping device and releasing the captured raccoon.

Visit our Charlotte wildlife trapping home page to learn more about us.